The best sports, recreation, and childcare programs in Northern Nevada
Youth Sports
We welcome kids of all ages and abilities into our youth sports. Our programs’ focus is on teamwork, fundamentals, and enrichment in a safe and positive environment.
After School Programs
Quality child care that provides unique activities to keep children busy. We offer a designated homework time along with arts and crafts, science, and active group games and sports.
School Break Camps
We pride ourselves in keeping kids away from the televisions, tablets, and cell phones by engaging them in physical and critical thinking activities and exercises.
Teach them about teamwork
Youth sports offer a unique opportunity for kids to learn about teamwork from an early, impressionable age. Our sports programs do much more for kids than simply giving them something fun to do. Interacting and cooperating with others their age, plus taking instruction from coaches, will foster valuable work habits that will benefit them for years to come.
Nourish their body and mind
Our school break camps enrich the body and nourish the mind with a ton of activities and field trips. We make the most of every day by exploring different sports, art, and activities. Your child will spend their days on break away from the devices and engaged in the world around them.
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